Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Transgender Panel

The 2008 Legislative session has ended, but we are trying to keep HB 1076 in everyone’s mind so it can be discussed throughout this next year. HB 1076 is the Bias Crimes Bill which would provide harsher sentences and punishments for those who attack and become violent towards a person or a group based on their race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation and gender identity.Indiana is one of seven states currently that does not have any hate crime legislation and we would like to change that.

On April 10, 2008,in the Maple Room at the Indiana Memorial Union from 7-8pm, come join us for a transgender panel in which transgender rights and the issue of hate crimes will be discussed. Please attend to expand your knowledge on this sensitive subject and further educate yourself about the challenges that this community faces.

We do encourage our participants to write a brief letter to their local representatives expressing their concern that Indiana does not have any hate crime legislation set into law. Materials will be provided at the forum. We encourage and appreciate your participation.

Thank you!

The Students of the Indiana University School of Social Work

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