Friday, October 5, 2007

Día de la Raza Celebración

October 12 ~ 4-6pm at Leo R. Dowling International Center (111 S Jordan Ave)

The date of Christopher Columbus? arrival in the Americas October 12, 1492 is celebrated in Latin America (and in some Latino communities in the USA) as the Día de la Raza ("day of the race"), observing the first encounter of Europeans and Native Americans. In many places in Latin America and USA, el Día de la Raza (Columbus Day) is not celebrated by people who view it as a celebration of conquest and genocide. Now, 500 plus years later, we want to recall or celebrate not Columbus, but the actions and influences of all the people who came after him. The rich multi-cultural, multi-ethnic society which makes up the Americas is who we wish to celebrate as part of Día de la Raza. Sponsored by Latino Unidos of IU

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