Friday, October 26, 2007

RISE and the Middle Way House Volunteer Opportunities

Who are we and what do we have to offer?

Middle Way House: Middle Way House is a Domestic Violence Program and Rape Crisis Center serving victims in Monroe, Greene, Owen, Morgan, Martin, and Lawrence Counties. Middle Way House provides emergency shelter to battered women and their dependent children. Crisis intervention services, referrals and support are available 24 hours every day on our crisis line (812) 336-0846 . Additional services supported by volunteer work include legal advocacy, domestic and sexual violence support groups, advocacy for rape victims and their families, and economic development opportunities.

Service-learning positions for the Crisis Line, House Management, Administrative/Development, and Women's Program Support.
Days: Times vary depending on the program for which you volunteer.
Commitment: Usually 2-4 hours per week.
Requirements: 8-hour domestic violence training.
The Rise: Middle Way House also offers a service enriched housing program for formerly homeless, female-headed households. Volunteer opportunities at the transitional housing program include childcare, youth tutoring, mentoring, community reception, adult tutoring and site management support.

Days: Monday-Thursday 3:00-8:30; Friday 3:00-8:00
Commitment: Mentors need to be regular and dependable; Tutors are needed as often as possible.
Orientations: ongoing-please contact ACE
Prerequisites: 8-hour domestic violence training, criminal background check
ACE contact: Jorge Wellman,

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