Thursday, September 11, 2008

College Mentors for Kids Call Out Meeting

Tuesday, September 16 in BH 109 at 8:00pm.

Please come by and learn more about our organization, ask questions, and enjoy an ice cream sundae bar with us as well.

Every year we work with 80 children from two different elementary schools here in Bloomington: Fairview Elementary and Arlington Height Elementary. College students are paired up one on one with an elementary school students in 1st - 4th grade. Ten of these pairs are led by a General Manager around the IU campus experiencing different activities that show what it is like to be a college student. For example, going to the chemistry building and making slim.

Activities are held each Wednesday and Thursday from 3:45 - 5:45. If you are available for one of those days and want to learn more about our organization please join us at the call out meeting or feel free to email us for more information at

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