Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Talking Politics Beyond Black and White: Infusing a Larger Vision

October 14, 2008

7-9pm at the Helene G. Simon Hillel Center (730 E 3rd St)

Description: In this program, participants will have opportunity to explore the political thoughts and perspectives of others who may differ in culture, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, gender, national status, etc. Join us for a great discussion and to sample dishes from across the world. For more information contact: or 336-3824. Sponsors: Asian Culture Center, American Indian Student Association, First Nations Educational and Cultural Center, Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender Student Support Services, Helene G. Simon Hillel Center, La Casa, Leo R. Dowling International Center, Neal-Marshal Black Cultural Center, Office of Women?s Affairs, Office of Multicultural Initiatives and Episcopal Campus Ministry.

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