Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Mark your calendar for Shalom at IU call-out meeting!!!

Shalom at Indiana University is a non-profit organization in partnership with the Shalom Community Center to promote awareness of homelessness and poverty in and around the city of Bloomington. Located downtown in the First United Methodist Church and First Christian Church, Shalom Community Center is a safe, daytime center that provides daily meals, shower/laundry facilities, financial assistance to those in need as well as use of mail address and telephones. As an IU organization, Shalom at IU organizes fundraising activities, calls mass meetings for IU students and faculty, facilitates student volunteers, and collects various donation items.

We are having our first call-out meeting this Thursday, Sept. 18th at 6PM in Student Building 150. There will be guest speakers from Shalom Community Center and FREE PIZZA for anyone who comes by.

We are also looking for executive officers who can help run our club this year. There are a few open positions currently, such as secretary, fundraising head, student volunteer coordinator, and public relation. If you are interested in becoming our executive officer or have any questions, please contact us at or

Shalom at IU offers great volunteer opportunities within the community and leadership opportunities for those who are interested. So come to our call-out meeting and learn how you can join.

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